“生きたい”。10歳の少女は、その “大きな “決断をはっきりと告げた。
映画の中で10歳の少女は、他の子どもたち患者やシングルマザーである自分の母親を励ます輝く星であり、病院で年上の男の子に「好きです」と大胆にも告白した。化学療法を受けた後、少女は母親にこう尋ねた。母親は「あなたが泣けば、心配が減るから」と言った。しかし、母親が驚いたことに、少女は母親に 「あなたが泣けば、私もあなたの心配を減らせる」と言った。
最後には、白血病の巨人が少女の心臓に剣を突き刺し、少女が地面に倒れ込むというアニメーションが映し出された。しかし、巨人は膝をついて少女に敬意を表し、「君は今まで見た中で一番タフだ 」と言った。
“I want to live.” the 10-year-old girl firmly announced her “big” decision.
This is the script in the Taiwanese movie “Big”. It is about the children fighting against cancer in the hospital. Even though some of them passed away in the movie, they want to live and keep fighting until the end. The scene of fighting the illness is creatively illustrated by animation made by a Japanese team. The movie was played in the theater inside the University of Minnesota. My husband and my daughter also went. Most of the audience were touched and cried, but also laughed with the humorous dialogue. The movie was shot in my hometown, Kaoshiung in southern Taiwan.
After the movie, I got to interview the movie director, who flies to the USA from Taiwan and toured in several big cities in the USA and Canada for two weeks.
I asked the director Te-Sheng, Wei about why he wrote the script about Christmas celebration in the hospital. Wei told me that he is a 3rd generation Christian. He wants to convey the idea of birth and rebirth from the movie. “I want to tell people that it takes courage to fight against the illness but you will earn the respect when you fight with all you can.”
In the movie, the 10-year-old girl was a shining star to encourage other children patients and her own mom, who is a single mother, and even boldly told the older boy in the hospital that she likes him. After having chemotherapy, the girl asked her mom: if I cry, will you be ok? Her mom said, “if you cry, I will worry less for you.” because her mom wants to allow the girl to express her emotion. However, to the mother’s surprise, the girl said to her mom, “Then if you cry, I will also worry less for you.”
In the end, the animation showed that the giant of leukemia pushed the sword into the girl’s heart and the girl fell to the ground. But the giant knelt down on his knees and paid respect to the girl, saying “you are the toughest one I have ever seen.”
The ending is showing the birthdates from all the actors, showing the babies were born in the hospital. Director Wei said those birthdates are real dates for the child actors. And in the movie, the 10-year-old girl’s mom told the girl that she can go back to being the angel if she is tired of fighting. That means the mom is sad but willing to let go of her daughter.
Why? Because the mom recognizes that God has given her new life through this girl’s love. She thanks God for giving her this child like an angel so that she feels loved and now can love others.
Director Wei told me that he was betrayed by the investor in 2019 and owed a lot of debt for making the movies. His parents want him to quit making movies out of worry but still pray for him and like his movies. But during the hardship, Director Wei came back to submit his life to Jesus like a prodigal son who once depended on his own. I think this story is Director Wei’s rebirth too after all the suffering and made this movie “Big” out of a lot of prayer.
My American Christian friend compliments this movie, touching people with sadness but bringing hope of joy.
I feel hopeful too. Even though we may encounter death in this life on earth, all people who believe in their life creator, Jesus Christ, shall expect death to be a door opened to everlasting life of joy.