Deep healing

Deep healing comes form the reconciled relationship with Father God.

God is always with me. I will never be shaken.

For He is right beside me. My heart is glad and praising God. My body rests in hope that I believe in Jesus Christ.

No need to work on my own righteousness.

God has show me the way of life through Jesus Christ and fill me with Joy of His presence as the joyful experience of relation.

(Acts 2:25)

A cured heart

God has cured your heart of backsliding to unfaithful worshiping to idols.

For Jesus Christ’s blood is forever effective on you so that you no longer follow the stubbornness of evil heart.

God gladly treats you like son and give you a desirable land, most beautiful inheritance.

(Jeremiah 3:17,19,22)

Use the electric racket of His name, not your hand of flesh to kill the annoying mosquitos. In Jesus Christ’s name, you are created and given His authority with His power coming along to rule in the spiritual realm and subdue the evil.

Gain victory

With God, I will gain the victory.

And He will trample down my enemies.

Psalm 108:13




God’s highway

If you are stuck or hindered on your old ways,

Like walking on an old bridge, shaky and wavering,

Dangling yourself over the cliff of depth with fear and anxiety;

Then Jesus Christ invites you to come and follow His new way.

For God’s thoughts are not your thoughts;

God’s ways are higher than your ways. (Isaiah 55:8)

You will run on His highway through a Truth-renewed mind with freedom and confident hope.

Second chance

Each new day is the second chance from God.

God is confirming with you: I am not done with you. I am loving you and developing your faith. I am not giving up on you. I am not forsaking you. I am faithful to mature you.

Thank God for His new mercy each morning.

So, I choose to focus on God’s ability, not my capability. I choose to pray, not to worry. In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Work with love






Bear fruits through faith by God’s love,

The joy of eternity satisfies the most inner being.

Works are not labor under the sun anymore,

But the rich-flavored Feast from the grace of the Lord.

What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun?”(Ecclesiastes 2:22)


I asked God what He wants to teach me when I read Ecclesiastes 2. God taught me that when I love God and people as my motivation to work, then the work will satisfy my soul.

I remember I hosted many summer camps in the past and I don’t think I can boast about them. But I remember the people I encountered and cared in prayer, I remember God gave me wisdom to come through. All of these become treasures lasting always in my heart.



聖徒們當以信心宣告:因為我們是上帝的羊,所以我們能信主耶穌。我們相信上帝說祂的羊聽祂的聲音,也跟著祂,所以能與主同行走進永生,永不滅亡。天父的愛是堅強保護的愛(jealous, protective love),這樣的愛證明被贖回的我們永遠屬於祂。祂與我們透過主耶穌寶血所立的新約,使我們在主耶穌裡是穩妥的,誰也不能把我們從祂手中奪去。讚美主!

Ask, Seek, Knock

Praise God for being compassionate with His beloved saints.
Thank God for drawing us to come to Him in time of need.
May the saints ask with unpretentious faith, as a humble child asking Father God.
May we seek with determined faith to not lean on own understanding but be open, alert and observant.
May we knock with assured confidence through Jesus Christ to seek the face of God, rather than the hand of God.
“Just pray” is not passive but active,
For we fight against not flesh, but devil.
We do not come by leaning on our own understanding but by drawing out deep spiritual revelation through asking, seeking, and knocking to see God’s light of life,
So that our prayer shall
Bring us joy and
Propel people to go to God themselves, and
Glorify God by spreading His wonders we have witnessed.
In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.
 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10, NIV)
“Though good advice lies deep within the heart, a person with understanding will draw it out.” (Proverbs 20:5, NLT)

I am free

I am debt free. For Jesus Christ has paid off my debt of sins and curses on the cross.

I am burden free. For Jesus Christ has bore my burden daily when I cast it off to Him.

I am guilt free. For Jesus Christ’s word has washed me clean, white as snow.

I am religious rules free. For Jesus Christ leads me through my faith and by the Holy Spirit, not by flesh.

I am condemnation free. For Jesus Christ has commanded my victory of obedience over my enemies of devil.

But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation. (Colossians 1:22)

Just pray

Hudson Taylor said, “Learn to move men through God by prayer alone.”
I am convinced and emboldened by the Holy Spirit to “just pray” in the Spirit without speaking words in flesh, so that all people will see God’s glory and give credit to Him alone.
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16