Go and take possession

Thank God for making me strong,

Take heart in my soul.

My body waits for the Lord,

When my enemies and my foes attack me.

They will stumble and fall.

I proclaim and claim:

God is teaching me your way,

And leading me in a straight path.

Thank God for telling me.

Go up. Take possession of it.

Do not be afraid to step out.

Do not be discouraged when being rejected.

Praise God, who go before me

And fight for me and sustain me until the land.

Praise Jesus Christ has been on the same journey,

So He caringly slow down for me,

No matter on high hill or low valley.

He is there with me.

(refer to Psalm 28:2b, 14)

God heals

I proclaim:


I fear God and remain faithful to God,

And God send me to heal people.






(refer to Proverbs 13:17b, Matthew 24:45)


Praise God for giving my child,

The knowledge of Jesus Christ’s salvation.

So she has faith in God,

To act in her life with the godly desires of God.

And practice obeying God’s word daily,

To harvest God’s abundant promises.

And her faithful life is a healing light for self and others.

In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

(refer to Proverbs 13:16a, 17b)

I stand on level ground

I proclaim:

My feet stand on level ground

On solid Rock of Jesus Christ,

Not sink in the sinful sand.

And I worship in praise God with the numerous saints.

May God lead me on to His higher ground,

To see the vision through His eyes,

To love and serve those who are in His hearts.

In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

(refer to Psalm 26:12)


Praise God, who is calling:

You have stayed long enough in this valley,

Now, break camp,

Advance into the territory I have given you

And take possession of your territory.

For you have chosen to fear God

And you shall stand on the level ground

On the solid Rock of Jesus Christ,

Not sink in the sinful mud.

So, step out, stand firm,

With confidence in God, not self or men.

God is your solid Rock.

(refer to Deuteronomy 1:6-8)

First principle of life

Jesus is the Lord.

That is the First principle of my life.

All other emotions are secondary.

His grace has freely given me,

Even before I become His child.

But through Jesus Christ,

All the promises for Abraham

Become mine to inherit.

For I love God,

He rescues me for eternal life.

For I acknowledge His name,

He protects me from evil destruction.

He has made this covenant of condition

—Jesus Christ I receive,

I become His heir for all His abundant blessings.

May God give me long life,

To grow more like Jesus,

And shine His light to draw more people to enter His kingdom.

In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

(Psalm 91)



prayer for son

Praise God’s name.

Stop call the devil a friend.

God is Joy, Love, Peace

So I have joy, love and peace.

May my son have Jesus Christ’s mind,


Surrender his burden to Jesus Lord,

Then bear His easy yoke

And carry the light burden He gives,

To walk along with Jesus Christ to eternity.

Do the next right thing

Woke up early but cannot get up.

Face the battle of flesh in guilt,

Cannot concentrate on meditating on God,

Finally hear “Do the next right thing” and get up from bed.

Thank God for being with me at any moment,

Reset me to live on through His strength,

With the spirit of power, love, sound mind of self-discipline.

ministry in the cooking class

I prayed that God gives me words to speak,

In the cooking class I was invited to minister.

I woke up early and prayed to God on my bed.

I was reminded that I may walk with Jesus when I share His mindset.

Then I read the Bible and devotion and got ready to go.

I shared about Farmaz’s encounter with a Muslim lady from Indonesia.

I saw the tears seem to be watering her eyes.

I prayed for her to ask Jesus to deliver her from fear some day.

I say Jesus came to reveal Himself to me even though I didn’t see His face.

Likewise, Jesus comes to speak to her through my sharing.

I know Jesus is knocking on her door of heart just as He did to Farmaz’s door.

I wrote a letter to Lili and believed God is sending the message to her marriage.

I talked to her daughter 夢蝶 but she didn’t seem to hear.

I talked to Sarah about Japanese students and prayed to God to lead me to that ministry.

O Jesus Christ,

Thank you so much for speaking through me.

I pray for the people You speak to today and may they feel encouraged to seek You and find You. In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Ask with boldness

“Ask the Lord for rain in the spring,

For He makes the storm clouds.

And He will send showers of rain,

So every filed becomes a lush pasture.” (Zechariah 10:1)

“What the righteous desire will be granted.” (Proverbs 10:24b)


God encourages me to ask in Jesus’ Name,

For He wants to bless me and many others as I pray.

May He give me and my family,

Abundant life of knowing His love and faithfulness

Through abiding with Jesus so intimately.

May He strengthen me and my family,

To finish strong and shine His glory to the end.

May He empower me and my family,

To do His good works and receive His honor for reward.

In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Prayer reaches into the future

Reach into the future through prayer,

For my son and my son-in-law,

To flourish in their youth,

Like well-nurtured plants and finish strong to the end;

For my daughter and daughter-in-law

To be like graceful pillars,

Carved by Jesus Christ to beautify the palace,

Strong and sturdy to bear the weight of life.

May all the generations of my descendants

Be fruitful for God in the everlasting Kingdom.

(Psalm 144:12)