Stop The Evil Through Prayer

For preparing cooking lunch for the church, I went to Costco in the afternoon. While I pushed my shopping cart, “You know what I found?” I heard a male voice nearby. After he repeated speaking that words for three times, I finally lifted up my face to look for that voice after grabbing a bag of apples.

I think everyone needs a prayer.” the man was speaking to me with his eyes focused on me.

I found that my eyes were fixed on his face because he drew my full attention.

“Is he the Christian preacher on Youtube?” I wondered in my mind because I have listened to his preaching on the internet.

Or maybe he just saw the words “Pray more, worry less” written on my T-shirt and only responded to that message. I wondered again in my mind.

“Oh, thank you.” I felt a little bit shy to respond to him because he took time to approach me and talked to me, a total stranger to him.

I walked away but started pondering, “is it possible he traveled from Texas to Minnesota?” “Is he praying for people and I saw his spirit?” I recalled he shared his testimony in one episode that someone he prayed for saw him appearing in front of her.

Or, do I see the angel of God?

And I wish that I should have asked him more about what he meant by “Everyone needs a prayer.”

Just then, someone called me on the aisle of vitamin section. A couple who I used to know in the church came shopping. I remembered that I saw them last time in their house when they had a new born baby. And now the baby grows to be a 15-year-old. They told me that the whole family of four will have a short term mission trip to Puerto Rico. So, I prayed a blessing over them right there.

After a few days, I went on YouTube and left a message about this encounter to this preacher’s YouTube channel. A few minutes later, he responded to me with a message “God destined you for this time.” Is that a confirmation from my recent dream?

In my recent dream, I saw a young person staggering on the street. I tried to get his attention but he still walked weakly and aimlessly without noticing me. Then I saw a big yellow school bus rushing toward him and I didn’t dare to watch. So I closed my eyes tight but imagined what might happen. After that, I turned my head to the direction the bus passed by and opened my eyes. Just like I imagined, he was run over under the big wheels. I saw a person come to help him. And I saw myself kneeling down with deep sorrow and praying fervently for him.

Then I woke up from my dream. I said it to my husband and cried because I don’t know if that could have been anyone I know.

A few days later, I prayed with other mothers in the Moms In Prayer group about this. One lady prayed that I shall stop that bus next time. Her words awoke me as an epiphany of God. There could be a spiritual meaning about the bus as a demon and the young man as anyone who is lost and under evil attack.

“Amen! I shall open my eyes and command that evil attack to Stop through my prayer.” I agreed in my spirit. But I asked God again, “Oh, God, may I have that courage to stand in front of the weak to stop the evil attack.”

As I read this verse after a few days,

“Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.

Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul, “I am your salvation.” (Psalm 35:1,3)

“It’s Me in you to speak and stop the evil.” I think that God answered my prayer. I just need to pray and let God speak through my prayer. And everyone needs a prayer because God wants to save them through the prayer from the followers of Jesus Christ.

May all the saints rise up to pray for the lost souls. And may those who are in a stumble of distress and depression or under any spiritual/emotional/mental/physical attacks come to Jesus Christ for salvation from the spiritual death to live until eternity. In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.


A few hours after I finished this writing, an acquaintance called me and told me that she needed to cancel a meeting with me because she has been feeling dizzy and just got a doctor appointment. Oh, I seemed to see that she is staggering on the street of life.

So I prayed for her but I felt burdened by the evil thought: “how long will you be able to pray for her until she receives Jesus Christ?”

Thank God for reminding me to proclaim aloud: It’s Jesus Christ, who is worthy to bear our sins on the cross and His blood has washed her clean and His resurrection from the grave has redeemed her. My work is to speak His truth and His word shall come to be and save this lady’s soul. So, I don’t need to worry if I pray good enough or long enough to carry her sins. Instead, I proclaim the victory God has won for her through Jesus Christ!

I felt so relieved in assurance of victory after I proclaimed the truth. I know God also is training me to push back any evil lies while I am praying to His will.

Thank God for destining me for this time.

God speaks through me

God speaks to me through my lips.

When I share His message and focus on blessing others,

But the message is for blessing me too.


While I heard the condemnation that hinders me from sharing,

I was reminded to just share one thing that touched me.

And God speaks to me through my lips.


I share that I am touched by the image of a hand,

With 5 fingers which do different tasks.

God is kind to give us various gifts,

So we come together to share burdens,

As His yoke is easy and His burden is light.


I ask God who cares about what I share?

But God speaks to me through my lips.


Next day I share again the message with my son,

And God speaks to me through my lips.

This message I share is for blessing me,

To encourage me to value my gifts and team up with others,

So with other saints gathered like fingers,

We hold and behold God’s glory together.


Next time, when the Holy Spirit inspires you to share,

Don’t worry to whom you should say,

For God speaks to you through your lips,

To answer someone’s prayer or questions,

And to bring life to the soul of desiring to hear His voice.


























Are you a critic

You can give critic about movies, food or a piece of art;

But never become a critic of God’s children,

Because the devil is doing all right without your opinion.

Above all, never become a critic of yourself

By condemning or accusing like using your hand to slap on your face.

If you are a reborn creature in Christ,

You don’t want to criticize God’s perfect handiwork.

Leave the job of discipline and growing to God’s hand,

Your job is to repent and turn to God for cleansing and transformation.

Critic of people is not your job. Don’t do it.

Fearless spirit

“Little faith brings your soul to heaven.
Great faith brings heaven to your soul.” (Charles H Spurgeon)
Through the faith in Jesus Christ, you in Him move your worry about “what if” to the boldness of “even if”.
“If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” (Daniel 3:17-18)

Help Me To Live, Jesus

O, Judas Iscariot, it doesn’t need to be you,
To choose to betray Jesus by the temptation of worldly gain.
Your regret tells your sorrow of sin,
Your shame tells your conscience of guilt.
I wonder if Jesus chose you to be one of His disciples,
Not meant to trap you to fall,
But give you a chance to be saved.

O, Judas Iscariot, it doesn’t need to be you,
To kill yourself by the condemnation of the devil.
Look at your companion, Simon Peter.
He was in shame and guilt of denying Jesus for three times,
But why could he come to repent instead of regret?
Because Jesus prayed for him (Luke 22:32).
I wonder if Jesus prayed for you?
I believe Jesus did because He is the God of compassion.

O, Judas Iscariot, it doesn’t need to be you.
Jesus said that “woe to you who betrays the Son of Man!
It would be better for you if you had not been born (Matthew 26:24).
Was He mourning for you, who should not have been here to taste the bitterness of regret?
Has your Creator ever expected you to bear this shame of betrayal when you were created?
Wasn’t your mother joyful to greet you when you were born and rest in her arms?
I believe that Jesus still loves you till the end of your earthly life,
Nevertheless the devil deceived you to act upon the evil of killing yourself.

Even though your free will was allowed to make the wrong choice to intend to harm Jesus,
but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done to save many lives (Genesis 50:20).

O Judas, what if you chose to cry out to Jesus for help while you were drowning in the ocean of shame and guilt,
The Holy Spirit must honor your choice and raise His hand to drag you out of mire of distress,
So that you could be empowered to come to repent to the resurrected Jesus,
Who must be willing to wash you clean from within through and through,

Then, you would live and see His miraculous transformation on your heart through your belief:
God is good to forgive and love all sinners,
And delight in you as His holy child (Zephaniah 3:17),
When you are willing to drop your sorrow and open your heart to be comforted.
You shall be reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit:
The old has gone, the new creation has begun (2 Corinthians 5:17).

O, dear friend, if you feel despair in yourself like Judas Iscariot,
I pray for you to chose to be comforted by Jesus’ love and give yourself another chance,
Just continue to cry out, “Jesus Christ, help me and save me,”
For Jesus is kindly waiting for you to come to Him for salvation (Psalm 86:5-6).

O, dear friend, if you feel weak to leap by faith into Jesus Christ’s mighty arm,
I pray for you to be strengthened by Jesus’ promise to cast all your cares on Him,
For He promises to care for you (1 Peter 5:7).
The following has finished and assured:
Jesus’ death on the cross has replaced your hopelessness,
And Jesus, who has been resurrection out of the tomb,
Will revive your spirit to soar like an eagle again.
Jesus will lead you in the triumphal parade to His throne,
As His co-heir, royal priest and holy people, sitting besides Father God of eternity.

Today is the Day!
Choose to live, not die,
To proclaim what the Lord has done (Psalm 118:17).

























God is watching over you

Grandmom Bonnie walked her dog this cold morning and came across a young girl,

Who had a sad face without wearing a hat, a scarf or gloves.

Bonnie sensed that she seemed to miss the bus and that’s why she had to walk in the cold.

After passing by her, Bonnie turned around and called the girl, “Here, have these on and you may have a good day.”, Bonnie said while taking off her warm mittens from her hands.

“Oh, no, thank you.” the girl might not want to cause the white-hair old lady to get cold without her mittens.

“There is God watching over you. It’s this loving God, who turned someone around to call you and show His care on you.” Bonnie was assured and praised God in her heart.

Who is coming close to you to show God’s care for you?

May you give thanks to Him for that person.


Do you know that the Creator God is all knowing and omnipresent?

If you know He sees your heart and mind, do you choose to run away from Him because of fearing Him to expose your evil thoughts?

You are not alone. We all want to run away because we cannot be perfect without having bad thoughts. However, if someone took over your shame and guilt and evil thoughts on behalf of you to be exposed by God of justice like paying your fine and clean your record completely, will you be willing to come to Him for a clean slate?

That is why Jesus Christ came from heaven and bore your blames and wounds and curses. He put all of them on the cross and consumed them with His death when He was crucified.

When you lifted up your head to watch Jesus Christ, it is just as easily as looking at the bronze snake pole lifted up by Moses to heal those people who got bitten by poisonous snake and dying. (Numbers 21:4-9)

Just one look to Jesus Christ. Believe in Him, who is God and took your blame, so that the wrath of the just God will not fall on you. And believe in Jesus Christ, who was resurrected from the dead for you to live in you so that you shall live a new life to eternity.

Coming to the Lord Jesus Christ is your healing today.


不聽謊言: 神說:
你沒有仔細禱告,你很自私的媽媽。 我知道你一切的需要。我會引導你禱告。
你不需要太仔細,這樣才是信靠主。你不要擔心,所以不用說太多。 我教導你每一步路,所以你會學會我的心意。
你不要管小孩,你管好自己。 把你擔心的事一一告訴我,你就卸下了重擔。
你看你先生做很多事,你也要這樣,不然你不值得被欣賞。 你會專心倚靠我認定我,我會指引你的路。
你糟糕了,你分心不能禱告。 我給你毅力,你每件事立志做個十次以上,你會愈來愈好。
你無法開始或持續。你一次就做的不好。你很怕麻煩,你一直做下去會很累。 我要給你恩典力量,你會愈做愈喜樂。
你懶得說話,覺得很累,沒必要說話,反正沒人聽也沒差。 我要透過你去說話,你是我的流通管道,我用你的口說出來的話,要成就大事。
你看你先生都不理你。 我是你唯一敬拜的主,我喜悅你。
你禱告沒用啊,別人都有實現 主耶穌的愛是無條件的。主耶穌在每件小事上都應允我,我凡事謝恩。
你沒有胃口,不想吃 主賜給我各樣美物讓我享用,我可以享受更樣天然食物,我有胃口吃喝主和祂的創造。
你沒有組織,沒有目標 主給我異象,我緊緊跟隨。主告訴我的,我就有力量去做。
你的話沒人要聽 主來決定要用我的話去鼓勵誰。
你要快點寫下來神給你的信息給別人知道 主說這是我跟你之間的私密對話,是給你的禮物。我會給你機會,讓你滿溢湧流我的愛的感動去寫。
你不滿足自己被神所造來做憐憫人的器皿,你想要更多滿足你的私欲 我的生命是神給的,我要為祂而活。他造我有預先安排我要做的善事。我的存在是有目的的
你的思想很亂,你寫不出來的啦 禱告時一個字一個字寫,我會給你意念,會幫你修改。


